Framing Repair
August 8, 2008

We had a section of framing between the top of the foundation and the bottom of the door on the side of the house that was badly rotted. The door is the side entry into the family room which was an addition in the late 60's. It looks like they did a bad job keeping water out, and the sill plate sitting on the foundation, and the double rim joist on top of that were so badly rotted that they just fell apart when we poked at them. Brooke's dad had come over to help us out on a project, so we decided to use his help to work on replacing the rotted wood.

We cut a hole in the floor to make it easier to access the damage. I forgot to take a picture of the damage before we removed all the bad wood. This is ready for the new wood to be put in. The three 4x4 block standing up are temporary supports for the wall until we put the new framing in.

This shows where I cut the sill plate and double rim joist and two of the temporary supports we put in. The bad wood only ran a few feet in length, then it was solid again past that.

Since I forgot to take a picture of the rotten wood before we reomoved it, I figured I'd get one of the pile of wood we took out. Like I said, it just fell apart.

Here's a view of the finished work before replacing the floor.

And another view, from below, looking down the new framing sitting on the foundation.